The Twisting Road

What’s in a name?

I love road trips.  Always have.  When I was a child I remember sitting in the backseat of my parent’s car with an atlas in my hands trying to help my dad plot our course on one of our road trips.  I think it is breed into me.  Both my grandfathers loved to road trip.  My dad has always road tripped, and ever since I could drive I have too.

On one of our many road trips

Over the past decade I have taken several amazing road trips.  I have driven Hwy 1 (the Coastal Highway) from San Francisco to LA.  I have driven from Green Bay to Yosemite, the Icefields Parkway, the Rocky Mountains, the Appalachians, etc.  Hell, I have driven in 47 of the 50 states.  There was also the back-roads of England and Wales.  Then there was the epic drive on the Amalfi Coast in Italy.   You get it, I love to drive.

Somewhere along the Icefields parkway in Alberta Canada
The Amalfi Coast, Italy
Somewhere in England
Julia Pfieffer Burns State Park off Hwy 1 in California

Trying to find a blog name

Once I determined I was going to start a blog the most difficult part was finding a name.  I spent weeks bouncing ideas off my wife Amy and others.  Everything good was taken.  Most that were available were corny or just didn’t quite fit.

Finally we stumbled on “The Twisting Road”.  It was perfect.  It captured my love of road trips.  It alluded to the twists and turns that travel and life can take.  And it was available!!

To the pics!

I probably have over 5000 travel pictures scattered across my digital devices.  I scoured them for hours before I came to the realization that I don’t have good pictures of a twisting road.  I mean, how ironic is that.  I have driven on an endless number of twisting roads, and I don’t have a picture of a single one.  I guess it makes sense – I was purposely trying to avoid the road in my pictures thinking it was a distraction, but still!

Well, I now have a new goal for the next road trip.  Pictures of a twisting road!!!

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